Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Grayson's going to have a LITTLE SISTER!!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
one week!
these days Grayon is into EVERYTHING and so so curious! he is so close to walking it's scary! i think all it's going to take is for him to not be scared to let go and then the chase will be on! he gets so proud when he takes steps without help and it's so precious! aside from that, im pretty sure he is part whale because of his insane love with taking baths and making as big of splashes as possible. im in the splash zone every night! he has so much fun in the bath! he absolutely loves food...of all kinds! if i fed him all day, he would eat all day. im so glad hes not a picky eater like i was as a baby! aside from ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba, and po-po, his favorite thing to say is uh-uh (like uh uh , no way). everything is uh-uh... i thought they weren't supposed to talk balk til later...haha! he is just so full of life and it is so fun watching him discover everything new and how everything works! my house is a disaster bc of this though, but oh well! ive just learned to clean up after he goes to bed at night bc otherwise as soon as i clean one thing up, he tears it up seconds later! little toot! he loves nothing more than to scatter the tupperware cabinet across the house and his basket full of diapers! oh joy!
on another note, i havent even started Christmas shopping, nor do i have the slighest idea of what to get anyone this year! i hate giving a gift, just to give a gift. i want it to be the perfect gift, well-thought out and just right for that person! so this week and next week ill be hitting the stores along with all the other procrastinating shoppers! not looking forward to the crowds and lines!
hope everybody had a great weekend!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
a blessed winter wonderland.
my precious snow angel
my little bitty NOT enjoying the cold
mommy and bitty
the glover's with our 1st snowman
Thursday, December 3, 2009
snow day.

to your enemy, forgiveness
to an opponent, tolerance
to a friend, your heart
to a customer, service
to all, charity
to every child, a good example
to yourself, respect
-Oren Arnold
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
new & improved
1. As most of you already know, Grayson is going to be a big brother in May! In just three weeks we find out if our "little bun in the oven" is a boy or a girl. Everyone (including me, most of the time) thinks it is going to be a girl, going off of how polar opposite my pregnancy has been this time in comparison to my pregnancy with Grayson. However, i also feel that since everyone feels so strongly that i might get a curveball and it will be a boy. I'll take either gladly! But how i wish i could have a real- live doll for dress-up! Horrible i know!
2. Travis leaves next month for Korea for a month. I have very bittersweet feelings about it. Bitter because he will be gone for a month, and sweet because he will finally have his job back to normal. They shut down the rig he was on in September, so its been a tough few months, which i sure many people can relate to!
3. Grayson was 13 months old yesterday, and i still cant believe he isnt my little newborn anymore. i wish so badly i could freeze him, but he his personality shines through more and more everyday and he keeps us rolling laughing. He has been the absolute greatest joy.
4. Im so excited for Christmas season. Something about this time of year just makes me so happy....could it be the trees, the lights, the music, the weather, the christmas cards, the family time?!?! I can't believe my little baby wont fit inside his stocking this year. tear.
5. I am finally starting to not feel naseous everyday. Thank you God! I never thought i was going to reach that day.
6. I wish I could have just about every item on Etsy.
7. I can not wait til we get our first house so i can decorate it. I fantasize about that day. It shouldnt be that much longer!
8. Im dying to see The Blind Side. I havent been to see a movie in theatres since The dark Knight!
9. I have met some wonderful new friends this year, gotten closer with some old friends, and lost a few friends. All of which i am certain has happened for a reason! I feel very blessed to have those in my life.
10. I always talk about how much i love grayson, grayson this, grayson that, and forget to give credit to my hubby far too often! He has been the most incredible man throughout this pregnancy. So helpful in every way! I dont think i could have survived the first trimester without him! Travis couldnt have been laid off at a better time. God always knows best! Now im feeling back to normal and it's time for Trav to go overseas! I love you boo boo, so much! Im so proud of you!
11. Speaking of Travis and Grayson, i could watch the two of them play forever! They are hilarious and Grayson just looks at Travis like he's his hero. It's precious. They melt my heart multiple times a day!
ok well it's late and im off to bed. i promise to be a better blogger!
p.s. im trying to put pictures up, but they keep going to the top of my post, can someone please tell me how to put them in between the different parts!